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1. Surgical Site Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty : A Descriptive Study
 Authors: Sadik Bilgen, Gokay Eken
2. Integration of CAD/CAM technology in Global Dental Prosthetic treatment: A Case Report
 Authors: Bonnet Guillaume, Batisse Cindy, Travers Cyril, Bessadet Marion
3. Comparison of Neurocognition and Behavioral in Alcohol with Placebo group
 Authors: Rodríguez Rodríguez Tarsis Saúl, Castro García Paola, Manzo Ríos María Isabel, Mora Lee Silvia
4. Comparison of Intravaginal Misoprostol Tablet (Prostaglandin E1) and Intracervical Dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E2) Gel in Induction of Labour
 Authors: Dr. Shefali Goyal
5. Tear dysfunction syndrome: Microstructural findings in vivo
 Authors: Ivancheva V, T Marinova, CN Grupcheva