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1. Health and physical development problems in undergraduate students and comparison of opinion between males and females regarding helpfulness of guidance and counselling services to cope with their health and physical development problems
 Linatda Kuncharin

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256560

SEIDigital Identification Number: Paper-May-2018/IMJH-MAY-2018-3
2. A comparative analysis of first trimester medical abortion in cases with previously scarred and non-scarred uterus: A case control study
 Dr. Jyoti Mittal, Dr. Devika Choudhary

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256562

SEIDigital Identification Number: Paper-May-2018/IMJH-MAY-2018-4
3. Tribological Examination of Calcium alginate – UHMWPE blends
 Gabriella Zsoldos, Viktor Palfalusi, Tamas Szivos

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256564

SEIDigital Identification Number: Paper-May-2018/IMJH-MAY-2018-5
4. Microbiological survey of the bathing water of moroccan beaches from Mehdia to Skhirat
 EL MIMOUNI Naîm, AIT CHATTOU El Mustafa, BOUAYYADI Abdellatif, HACHI Touria, OUNINE Khadija

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1256566

SEIDigital Identification Number: Paper-May-2018/IMJH-MAY-2018-6