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1. Arch Dimensions Changes of Egyptian Orthodontic Patients using Different Orthodontic Archwires: A Prospective Clinical Study
Authors: Mohammed Helmi Saleh

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI:

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-OCT-2020-1
2. Social Stigma and other Consequences of COVID-19 Pandemic in Low Resource Setting, in Eastern Africa: Need to Increase Preventive Efforts and Addressing the Consequences, 2020
Authors: Shewangizaw Haile Mariam, Mengistu Abayneh

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI:

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-OCT-2020-3
3. Pre-Diabetes State: Anthropometric and Haematological Parameters
Authors: Neeta Kumari, Dr. B.K. Binawara, Deepak Kumar Verma, Jyoti Dwivedi

DOI of Engineering JournalDOI:

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-OCT-2020-5