Sr No. Title Page No Download
1. An Exact Evaluation and Near Investigation of Fetal Wellbeing Characterization
Authors: G. Devendra Kumar

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-SVU-AUG-2023-1
2. Assessing the Impact of Missing Data Imputation with K-Nearest Neighbors on the Performance of Decision Tree Classification for Mammographic Data Prediction
Authors: P. Chandrika

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-SVU-AUG-2023-2
3. A trial approach for Medication Order utilizing Multilabel Expectation
Authors: R Ramya

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-SVU-AUG-2023-3
4. Comparative Analysis of Multilayer Perceptron and Naive Bayes Algorithms for Pima Diabetic Prediction
Authors: M Dharani Kumar

SEIDigital Identification Number: IMJH-SVU-AUG-2023-4