Medical Journal IMJ Health (ISSN: 2395-6992) is an international scientific organization intended for publish research articles in the field of Medical, Health, and Pharmaceutical Research sciences. The purpose of the journal is to enable scientists or researchers with expertise in Medical, Health, and Pharmaceutical sciences to share their systematic research activities with the natural world or with young professionals. Medical Journal IMJ Health is a worldwide monthly journal published by AD Publications, Bikaner, and Rajasthan, INDIA since May 2015.

Sharing research, accomplishments and ambitions with a global audience makes you more visible in your research field. Sharing your article helps you get cited more, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research and move forward in your career. Sharing your article is an important part of research and it's important to share responsibly.

Responsible sharing in line with copyright enables publishers to sustain high quality journals and the services they provide to the research community. Medical Journal IMJ Health supports responsible sharing and responsible sharing platforms and we stick to the voluntary sharing principles of the Academic Association Internationally. Our journal works to share your article with globally with different indexing and social medial platforms.